I'm having a hard time logging in to ifbux and click the ads cuz it loads slow. then lately, this maintenance was announced (considering that they just made a maintenance weeks ago.)
and the very reason was written on the splash page.
and it goes like this:
IfBux is currently under maintenance
Well, somebody is trying to DDoS us. That's just not very nice at all. We've upgraded our DDoS protection to the capable management of industry leader BlackLotus Communications, so that should solve that problem. If you are still seeing this message, it means our nameservers haven't yet resolved in your area. Try clearing your cache, ifbux might show up for you. See you all on the other side, -The IfBux Team.
DDoS? WTF is that anyway?
well i heard it was like "distributed denial-of-service attack"
uhm.. so what does it do? am i safe having my account on that site? dunno either.
further googleing brought me to lots of definitions and as i interpreted it...
- based on the interwebs, this DDoS thing is one in which a multitude of compromised systems attack a single target (more like a missile swarm i think), thereby causing denial of service for users of the targeted system.
The flood of incoming messages to the target system essentially forces it to shut down, thereby denying service to the system to legitimate users.
A hacker (yah, we're talking about net ninjas) begins a DDoS attack by exploiting a vulnerability in one computer system and making it the DDoS "master." It is from the master system that the intruder identifies and communicates with other systems that can be compromised. The intruder loads cracking tools available on the Internet (this mean even noobs can be ninjas?) on multiple -- sometimes thousands of -- compromised systems. With a single command, the intruder instructs the controlled machines to launch one of many flood attacks against a specified target. The inundation of packets to the target causes a denial of service.
While the press tends to focus on the target of DDoS attacks as the victim, in reality there are many victims in a DDoS attack -- the final target and as well the systems controlled by the intruder.
so it was a spam overload..? anyways i think it's more like that.
Hope IfBux got it's system working and starts paying again.
Tweets of 8th February
7 years ago
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